私の趣味… その2
パウンドケーキは名前の由来からもわかるのですが、主要材料の重量1パウンド(ポンド)約454gを基本として砂糖、薄力粉、バターの配合比を1:1:1で混ぜ合わせて作るのが基本になります。 ※卵は100gに対してM玉2個が良いです。
My Hobby... Part 2
Hello, I'm Yamane, a researcher.
In my previous post, I wrote about how I love electronics tinkering as a hobby, but I actually have another hobby. That is, baking sweets. Recently, I often make pound cakes with fruit in them. As you can tell from the name, the basic recipe for pound cake is to mix equal parts by weight (1 pound, or about 454g) of the main ingredients: sugar, cake flour, and butter. *For eggs, it's best to use two medium eggs per 100g.
However, it's not as simple as just mixing them together. You need to bring the butter to room temperature first to make it easier to knead. If you don't, the butter will be too hard to mix properly with the sugar that's added next. When you add the beaten eggs, if you pour in too much at once and stir, they will separate. So you need to add the eggs little by little and emulsify them with the butter (oil).
Next, you mix in the cake flour, but you have to sift it in a little at a time and cut it in with a spatula to avoid clumping. If you don't, the gluten (a type of protein) in the flour will come out and the dough will become hard.
Finally, when mixing in the dried fruit, if you just put it in the batter as is, it will sink to the bottom due to gravity. So, dust a small amount of cake flour on the dried fruit before kneading it into the batter. This increases the adhesive resistance and makes it less likely to sink. When baking, there is a temperature difference inside the oven, so it took a few trials and errors to figure out the optimal position and time.
Cooking like this, thinking scientifically, can be both fun and addictive.
[caption id="attachment_744" align="alignnone" width="300"]

The combination of butter, sugar, and eggs (Emulsification)[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_745" align="alignnone" width="300"]

The point where the dough is placed into the baking mold.
The completed pound cake.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_746" align="alignnone" width="300"]

Baked to perfection.[/caption]
The fruit is distributed quite well, all the way to the top.
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