

今月のつぶやき(事務員) 「夏の研究室のオススメ」

  • 2023-08-01
  • diary
夏の研究室のオススメ 猛暑続きの毎日ですね、東京は、今日も日中は35℃超えのようです。 研究室では、クールビスがそれぞれに定着していますし、空調等は出来る限りの節電を心掛けていますが、冷蔵庫にいつも冷たい飲み物を用意して、熱中症予防に努めております。夏は涼しく、冬は温かくして、在学中の皆さんが健やかに、日々研究室で気持ちよく過ごせるように、環境を整えることを、心掛けております。また、研究室選びの一助になれば幸いです。 研究室は、東向きの位置にあり、高層階で前方の見晴らしも良く、日中は大変明るいです。夜遅くまで研究に没頭した日には、夏の夜空を見ながら気分転換も出来そうですよ。(個人的な見解ですけれど…) ======== Title: "Recommendations for the Summer Laboratory" It's a continuous heatwave every day, isn't it? Tokyo seems to exceed 35°C even today during the daytime. In the lab, everyone has settled into their cool biz attire, and we are mindful of conserving as much energy as possible with our air conditioning and other equipment. We always have cold drinks prepared in the fridge to prevent heatstroke. We strive to create an environment where everyone can comfortably spend their time in the lab, keeping it cool in the summer and warm in the winter, and we hope this can contribute to your wellbeing during your studies. Furthermore, we'd be pleased if this could assist you in choosing a lab. The lab is situated facing east, on a high floor with a great view, and is very bright during the day. On days when you immerse yourself in research until late at night, you might even be able to take a break while looking at the summer night sky. (Though, this is just my personal opinion...) ---Translation by ChatGPT---